Latest Tips
Tip #892 Check memory and swap from command line
Want to check the amount of used, free and total memory and swap from the command line? This script displays memory and swap information. Fully posix compliant and should work with all 2.[2-6].* kernels .Read more »
Tip #885 Random password generator.
Generate a random 8 character password containing a-z, A-Z and 0-9:Read more »
- grep
Tip #882 Find last modified files on a filesystem
To find the last modified files in a directory you can use ls -ltr. To find the last modified file on a file system it will not work, but the following command will work:Read more »
Tip #874 Count how many packages have been installed by pacman
Count how many packages have been installed by pacman:Read more »
Tip #873 Import ssh host keys without verification
Automatically import host keys for cluster of machines named 'all'Using the 'dsh' command from the clusterit tools -
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Tip #872 Reverse geocode with bash
The following bash script, which depends on lynx web browser, uses Google's reverse geocode service to find a nearby address given a latitude and longitude pair:Read more »
Tip #871 Ignore an alias
A '\' mark before a command will ignore aliases. For example, you have aliasRead more »
- alias
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