

Big things are coming soon!

After a rather long period of hibernation, shell-fu is waking up again. We have some exciting plans for new features that will be coming soon, including:

  • User accounts & achievements
  • Shell script/command line tutorials
  • Command reference material
  • Lots and lots more...

These features should all be coming before the end of 2021, so watch this space!


Welcome! Shell-fu is a place for all those little command line goodies that you come across and then can never find again when you need them. Hopefully we'll end up with a comprehensive and easily usable resource for anyone working with the shell. We've a little way to go yet, and we'd appreciate your comments (just hit the 'Contact' link in the menu above).

If you see an entry you like (or dislike) please use the arrows to vote up or down. You can also submit your own tips/tricks and they will be added to the site once checked over by our moderator monkeys.